“Legend of the Cornpone Kid” is an animated short film about the Texas Hill Country in 1914, specifically the childhood of Lyndon B. Johnson. I made it on a computer in my free time with help from friends.
I developed the concept with my brother Jack in a podcast called The Presidential Book of Imagination.
Tried to make it smart enough for a smart audience but dumb enough for a general audience. You know, like The Simpsons.
if you would like to offer me Simpsons-sized amounts of money for this, see the Contact section of this website.
I do enjoy talking about the cartoon and the real history behind it but the work speaks for itself! Watch it.
Length; 16m16s
Language: English
Directed by Charlie Walden
Written & Animated by Charlie Walden
with music composed by Javier Reyes
Based on a story by Jack Walden & Charlie Walden
voices by Annie Donley & Charlie Walden